Total Medals Earned: 1,018 (From 142 different games.) Total Medal Score: 19,335 Points
Medals Earned: 8/13 (80/240 points)
Obtain the Gun.
Obtain the Halo.
Obtain the Sword.
Obey 10 different commands.
Kill 25 Executioners.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Disobey 10 different commands.
Kill 25 Androids.
Medals Earned: 20/44 (215/495 points)
defeated 10 aegean coloured enemies
defeated 10 bronze coloured enemies
defeated 10 chartreuse coloured enemies
defeated the first boss
beat level 5
defeated 10 square enemies
defeated 10 teal coloured enemies
defeated 10 tiger orange coloured enemies
defeated 10 watermelon coloured enemies
defeat the fifth boss
defeat the fourth boss
defeated the second boss
defeated 10 side canon enemies
defeated 50 side canon enemies
defeated the sixth boss
defeat the third boss
defeated the eighth boss
defeated the final boss
defeated the seventh boss
Finish the Game
defeated 10 fuchsia coloured enemies
defeated 10 green coloured enemies
defeated 10 mahogany coloured enemies
defeated 10 orange coloured enemies
defeated 10 pecan coloured enemies
defeated 10 two shot enemies
the enemies have shot 5000 bullets at you
defeated 50 aegean coloured enemies
defeated 50 bronze coloured enemies
defeated 50 chartreuse coloured enemies
defeated 50 fuchsia coloured enemies
defeated 50 green coloured enemies
beat level 8
defeated 50 mahogany coloured enemies
defeated 50 orange coloured enemies
defeated 50 pecan coloured enemies
defeated 50 square enemies
defeated 50 teal coloured enemies
defeated 50 tiger orange coloured enemies
defeated 50 two shot enemies
defeated 50 watermelon coloured enemies
get a score of 3000 or more
get a score of 3500 or more
get a score of 4000 or more
Medals Earned: 1/1 (100/100 points)
Medals Earned: 10/30 (95/500 points)
Scrap a Big Robot
Defeat the Armored King Toad
Rid a tree house of slimes
Obtain the wooden bat
Quickly drop a patrolling bandit unawares
Collect 5 Moon Stones
Defeat a fully grown Sand Dragon
Increase Max HP to 40
Break over 100 boxes or crates
Collect over 1000 coins since the start of your journey
Give Albert the Bad News
Defeat the Mercenary General
Defeat a harpy with her own weapon
Eat 5 food items that are considered unsafe
Steal from the mayor's treasury
Sleep wherever it is possible to sleep
Consumed over 30 healing items
Upgrade inventory to its max size
Collect 20 Moon Stones
Carry all the best equipment
Beat the Game
Increase Max Health to 99
Finish the game with zero deaths
Collect 40 Moon Stones
Finish the game in 64 minutes or less
Medals Earned: 5/19 (35/500 points)
Construct something with pixel.
Clear Pixelo tutorials
Find something to buy!
Find Jumper puzzle. Then, you can jump!
LV 10 you are Pixelor!
Clear calendar puzzle. You can enjoy daily puzzle from now!
Clear last Easy puzzle
Find Pallet, then you can change your color!
Clear runner puzzle. you can run from now.
Clear all easy Puzzles
Eat 5 food
Clear last Normal puzzle
Collect 12 junks
Save 11 animals
Drink 4 alcohol and beverage
Capture 11 monster and ghost
Clear All Normal Puzzle
Clear all hard Puzzle
Medals Earned: 8/8 (335/335 points)
Pop 100 bubbles
Use 10 electro blasts
Use frost 5 times
Pop 1000 bubbles
Touch 7 skulls in one game
Pop 20 bubbles with one electro blast
Don't lose a heart and win with at least 1 star
Win the game with 3 stars!
Medals Earned: 6/9 (90/295 points)
Finish a game
Upgrade your time to max
Spend over 1000's of money
Earn 1000+ points
Finish a game without touching walls
Upgrade your speed to max
Be the first in the ranking of the day
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/135 points)
Beat Level 1
Beat Level 2
Beat Level 3
Medals Earned: 2/5 (10/120 points)
Tyson was dropped from the game in 1990 after he lost the title.
Get punched out by Tom.
Joing the Deathink fan club, follow Deathink on Newgrounds TODAY!
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Beat Toms butt for blamming your submission.
Medals Earned: 19/20 (415/440 points)
Recover 3 lifes in a game
Use a slow motion 3 times in a game
Score 3,000 points
Do 10 headshots in a game
Do 8 'Combo 3x' in a game
Do 4 'Combo 4x' in a game
Slice 50 ragdolls in a game
Do 3 'Combo 5x' in a game
Slice 10 gold ragdolls in a game
Leave alive 3 ragdolls in a game
Do 10 criticals in a game
Slice 1,000 ragdolls
Do 100 headshots
Use a slow motion 50 times
Recover 20 lifes
Do 100 criticals
Leave alive 20 ragdolls
Slice 100 gold ragdolls
Explode 50 bombs
Score 10,000 points