Total Medals Earned: 1,018 (From 142 different games.) Total Medal Score: 19,335 Points
Medals Earned: 3/5 (40/115 points)
Cheat the game by referring to the cheatsheat
Death by spike - 100 times
Control the sprite everywhere
Collect all the hidden collectibles
Master the game by winning unlocking medals
Medals Earned: 3/7 (60/335 points)
Nearly mow the puppy.
Mow Skinless before she can transform.
Nearly let the puppy get eaten.
Mow 3 Flabcakes in a row.
Get the highest rank possible.
Mow the elusive Rainbeard and make it through the level.
Slaughter 200 Rainbow Midget-Horses in one game.
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/15 points)
First meet with John
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 7/7 (450/450 points)
Bounce off enemies 50 times
Bounce off enemies 250 times
Bounce off enemies 500 times
Make it to the Graveyard
Make it to the Green Field
Make it to the Inside Castle
Make it to the Sunrise Castle
Medals Earned: 1/1 (50/50 points)
Complete the game
Medals Earned: 3/3 (60/60 points)
Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)
Medals Earned: 3/6 (25/200 points)
Surpass Level 5
Use backspace and type your own number
Surpass Level 10
Surpass Level 25
Surpass Level 50
Surpass Level 100
Medals Earned: 14/30 (75/500 points)
Get your first Arcane Spell
Freeze 500 enemies
Look, up in the sky!
Burn 500 enemies
Bag o' bones
Destroy 100 enemy projectiles
Kill 100 enemies
You killed Gobu! You bastard!
in cold cash
in cold cash.
Destroy 500 enemy projectiles
Defeat king Gobu with no damage to the crystal
Slay a thousand
Get all Arcane Spells
Upgrade all your runes
Get all of Lucrea's skills
Stun 500 enemies
Defeat Bonelord with no damage to the crystal
Finish the game
Kill a hundred dragons
Defeat the greedling with no damage to the crystal
in cold seven digits
Oh my god... You broke the game.
Slay 10k
This makes you awesome.
Medals Earned: 40/41 (455/460 points)
win game with 29 points or more
win game with 19 points or more
find the 3 hindden stars
Win game with all right answers
What kind of caveman are you?